Monday, July 4, 2011

Letter Ee and Oval

Tot School
R is 27 Months Old

This week saw a little less happening during school time after last week's amazing Outer Space week. Lately, R hasn't been so into crafts, but more into fine motor and sensory activities. Last week we did heaps of fine motor and sensory stuff and R showed a real preference for it, whereas only a few weeks ago, he would ask to do painting all day long, and would always choose it first.

Fine Motor and Sensory
I put out a shape puzzle for R and asked him to find the oval. He really amazed me with how many shapes he can recognise and name, especially because we haven't spent a lot of time working on shapes. :)

I put some lentils, peppercorns, rice and sand into our plastic eggs. R had a fantastic time with these. He shook them to hear the sounds, then when he was done, I opened them up to show him what was inside.

R spread butter on bread this week, and then I used an oval cutter to make an oval from it. He had trouble laying the knife flat to spread the butter. I have made a mental note to give him more tasks like this. I am making Pizza this week, so I will get him to spread the pizza sauce onto the pizza's to practice these skills.

I took out the tongs, plastic eggs and the plastic egg carton for some transferring work. He did this many times.
Playdough: We had our homemade blue playdough with the main letter page from Tot School Printables. We also had elephants, an oval/egg and a letter E. R is making snakes to make the letter Ee's in the picture.
Together, R and I did the egg lacing card from Tot School Printables. He never spends a lot of time on this, usually only laces it 2-3 times before he's finished. We also used the Ee egg puzzle.
I put out some small glass pebbles with the E is for Elephant magnet page from Confessions Of A Homeschooler and the oval magnet page from Home Grown Hearts. The pebbles renewed interest in the magnet pages. They were also used as cargo in R's trucks! R used the spoon I had put out for the egg and spoon race to put the pebbles on the oval magnet page.

R played with some smooth oval rocks that we have in our garden.

I cut a potato in half and gave it to R to paint with. He though it was great, and ended up doing 3 paintings. This was the fist thing he told Daddy about when Daddy got home from work. I cut some little notches in the top of the potato to give R something to hold onto.

When R did so many potato prints, I wasn't sure what to do with them. I don't like to throw R's paintings away, but I only needed one to add to his scrapbook, so I went in search of something to use them for. I was inspired by a very cute shape elephant on First School. I used my scrapbook tools to cut out the pieces, and R pieced them together using my verbal cues.
R painted some eggs with glitter paint. When they were dry, I was cutting them out when R asked to cut one too. I was amazed at how well he did. I have included a close-up picture of his cutting skills.  He drew with brown pencils, oil pastels and crayons on the nest, then glued the eggs on.

You can see the books we read here.

We traced the letter E from Confessions Of A Homeschooler. R quite enjoys this, but he is right into drawing at the moment, especially if I give him markers.

I put out a multi-coloured stamp pad for R to do his letter stamping this week, and he showed a lot more interest than he usually does. He has got the hang of the stamping now. The sheet came from Tot School Printables.
R made an E for Elephant, seen on No Time For Flashcards. This was a low-key activity because R didn't want to draw or paint, so I cut the parts out of grey paper and he simply glued them together. He loves the little wiggly eyes.
We talked about Capital E's and lowercase e's, then did the Ee sorting from Confessions Of A Homeschooler. R completed this three times, usually he does it once, then packs away. He made me laugh the third time he completed it, he would put the card on the wrong side, laugh then say NOOOO! and put it on the correct side.

We did the oval tracing card from Home Grown Hearts. We also used these tracing cards to compare ovals and circles.
Another favourite activity of the week was the shape eggs. We last used these during our Easter program. I had them out for 3 days this week as R spent so much time playing with them.
R did a Do-A-Dot painting on an oval. The printable came from Childcareland.

Music and Movement/Gross Motor
This week our song was 5 Grey Elephants. We used felt pieces that I made years ago to compliment this song.
We used our skittles with a hard boiled egg to knock them down. This was really hard, because you just could not predict the way the egg would roll. We both had fun playing this game!

We had another egg and spoon race using the plastic eggs. When we did this during our Easter program, I gave R a big spoon from the kitchen, but this time I gave him a smaller spoon from his toy kitchen set. He still loved this, and laughed his way through it. :)

Together, we did the Egg sequencing cards from Tot School Printables. R and I generally talk our way through this, discussing the numbers, and what is happening in the pictures. This week, he recognised the number 1 when I asked him where it was!

We cracked an egg and looked at it, naming the parts. I then cooked the egg in a fry pan, and we watched the change.

Next Program: Transport.


  1. Did you watch the video on It goes "Ed the elephant likes red eggs eh eh, he kicks them with his heavy legs eh eh" It just reminded me of that with the eggs and the elephants. I never did potato printing with my kids, I might try it.

  2. Thanks for reading April. I will check it out. We havn't done much with online resources. R loved the potato printing, he still asks to do it again!
